Sunday, July 28, 2013


Hey there, my wonderful viewers. I decided it would be a good thing to explain this topic to you, because it will probably affect my videos a lot. I just moved all the way to Seattle, Washington! I think it's pretty cool. I will still be able to make videos, but I don't have my own room, so I can't leave my doll room out and in the open. But I promise you, I will figure it out somehow. And with the move, I have to get rid of a few things of course. So I have to get rid of at least 1 or 2 dolls. I already decided on selling Julie, and I will be making a goodbye video for her. It'll be really cute. And I'll even post a link to Ebay for the listing, just in case any of my viewers wants to buy her. This part isn't really about moving, but I want to put it in anyways. I bought a new computer! This is really big for me, because my other computer was broken and so I couldn't edit/upload. I always had to use the family computer, which didn't really work out very well because it takes me a long time to edit and my brother and parents want to go on it too. Hopefully this will help me upload videos more often, even when school starts. Yes, I am going to be starting school here. I've never studied in an American school, so this is a big deal. So yeah, that's all I have to say for now. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

AG Dolls I want

So I made a list of all the dolls I have been wanting. I won't get all of them, but I'm lucky if I get a few of them.

 MAG 33

I have really been wanting this doll for a long time, mainly because of her hair. I love her hair because of the curliness. I love dolls with curly hair, because I love curling their hair, and I think that it looks really good in hairstyles.
MAG 35
I have wanted this doll ever since I started watching Agpals's videos. Her Keely just looks gorgeous! I really want a doll with this strawberry blonde-red colored hair, and she looks really cute! I just don't see anything really different than any other dolls in her, but I still really want her.

MAG 38
ASDFGHJKL I just love this doll. Her hair color is something I really want, and her freckles are just so cute. I love dolls with freckles. I really want another doll with bangs, because I only have one doll with bangs, Abigail. This doll is really gorgeous, and I'm highly considering getting her!

Caroline Abbott
I don't know what it is about Caroline. I never thought she was very unique, but I think she's sorta grown on me. I love her eye color SO much. Her hair color is actually lighter than Lanie's hair, and to be honest, I don't think they look a lot alike. I do want her, and I'm not sure if I'm going to end up getting her. But you never know.

These are the most dolls I want at the moment. Maybe the next time AG releases, they will have new MAGs and I might want them. But for now, I only want these dolls. I also want a doll with medium skin, but the ones I like, i do't want them enough to put them on my list. Thanks for reading :D

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

GOTY 2013: Saige

GOTY 2013: Saige
Hey everyone :)
It's me, Rana.
So, like 5 people have asked me what I think about GOTY 2013, Saige.
I think she looks like a mix of Felicity, and Nicki.
She has dark red hair, similar to Felicity's, but Saige's is wavy.
She has freckles, which I think are adorable, and add a lot of character to her.
She has dark aqua eyes, just like Marie-Grace's. 
I think that is unique, because she is the first GOTY to have that color, and the 2nd AG ever.
She has light skin, which I'm pretty bummed about, because I thought she would be Hispanic or Mexican.
Don't get me wrong, I love her.
One of my favorite things about her is her meet outfit.
I actually think she has one of the cutest meet outfits ever.
And the boots, are to die for.
So overall, I LOVE the doll. She is a great addition to the GOTY line, and I will be adding her to my doll family. 
I am very glad that AG made her.